Saturday, October 02, 2004

A comment To A Brother

Yeah Scott (Spawn,) I know, but there is always hope. I still hope for a lot of things. Some just seem never to be able to happen. And I am not afraid to use my name. I love my Deadpool pseudonym! And almost everybody in BJ knows who that is and it's connection to me. For me it is a way to remember the Three-Day party and the late night runs to White Castles. The movies and videos that we made or shared with those of us who could not be present. There was the crash outs at Quill's and his Mom making us all eat and take vitamins in the morning. I loved that shit, and miss it. Yeah we have all grown up, but it is the growing apart that rankles me the most. Sometimes it happens, the end, and sometimes friendships do last forever. That is all I want. No more fighting, more listening instead of snap judgments about words that if looked at as a joke might actually make more sense. I have always accepted everybody, for who they are whether I know them completely or not. Read an old post on the Council from August, it is about Shark and Dave. They were both going through a rough time and felt all alone. I wanted to end that. We have all known each other, no matter how distant or through whom, for a long time. We have seen people lose family members and try to be there for them, seen our friends fall in and out of love. Got Married, got divorced, try again, find new hopes and new leases on life like Quill and his school/job tribulation. Spawn, even with you out of town a lot, we still try to call you, I still send you jokes through the e-mail. The worldwide acceptance of better technology has made it easier for us to stay in touch. So why don't we huh? Just try that; remember the past, both the good and the bad. Then ask yourselves, weren't you happier then, knowing that you had a gaggle of people behind you to catch you if you fall, or lift you up when you Succeeded. People you knew had your back against the world even if they were mad at you. Your friends.

Do you guys remember those times...?


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